
Approval Status

Pending - CTO



Vendor Name


Technolgy Type


Available in DORA

Available in Software Center

not reported


I would like to do an ongoing writing and publishing activity with Heritage Spanish students that could be accessed and used by teachers and students in the dual-immersion classrooms throughout the district and potentially elsewhere. This could foster greater intra-district collaborations across grade levels, while also giving students a more authentic audience for whom to write. This follows best practices as cited by a number of universities with similar heritage learner language programs. Student identity would be kept anonymous or pseudonymous, in case there are any concerns about outsiders accessing private information, and I would carefully review and edit any student submission for content and sensitive information.

IT Approved

not reported

Teaching & Learning Approved

not reported

LSS / Assistive Tech Approved

not reported

CTE Approved

not reported

CAC Approved

not reported

InformedK12 Form

InformedK12 Form Link

IT Work Order

not reported


This is simply a blogging site - although it is currently blocked as a social media site, the only aspect of social media is that people can leave comments to individual articles/posts, but these can be moderated by the teacher.



Intended Users:

Teaching Staff & Stu

Content Area:

World Language

User Details:


User Accounts:

Staff & Students

Support Contact: