LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You

Approval Status




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Technolgy Type


Available in DORA

Available in Software Center

not reported


I have several Hyperdocs that I use in my in person and online Independent Living classes, I have used them for several years with no issue. In these Hyperdocs are links that use a unique Search Engine called LGMTFY. Basically the questions I want students to research is already to go they just have to click on the link and it takes them to a pre-searched sites that have the info they are looking for. It save saves the students time as most studnets who do this assignment are in a independent study. Recently I have found that the hyperlinks have been blocked and was told the only way to correct this would be to get the app for LGMTFY approved for use. lmgtfy.app I have no intention of having students use the app directly I just want them to be able to click the link and use the pre-selected sources.

IT Approved

not reported

Teaching & Learning Approved

not reported

LSS / Assistive Tech Approved

not reported

CTE Approved

not reported

CAC Approved

not reported

InformedK12 Form

InformedK12 Form Link

IT Work Order

not reported


not reported



Intended Users:

Teaching Staff & Stu

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User Accounts:

Staff & Students

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